Robert J. Smith, LUTCF

Disability Insurance Specialist

Domicile State: LA

Robert J. Smith, LUTCF, Disability Income Specialist, has devoted his career to the disability income insurance field. He focuses solely on helping medical professionals evaluate and select disability income insurance policies to help meet their personal and financial needs in the event of an unforeseen circumstance.

Robert joined Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company (MassMutual) in 1998 and the financial services industry in 1989. Prior to his selection of MassMutual, Robert conducted an extensive, 6 month search for a disability income insurance company that he felt offered the best value for medical professionals. His criteria for selection included company strength and ratings as well as competitive pricing and group discounts. Today, as it did in 1998, Robert believes this value holds true.

During his career, he has built a clientele of more than 1,500 Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists as well as nurses in other advanced nursing specialties. He prides himself in his ability to explain complex differences in disability income policies, including the various riders that will impact future income benefits.

Robert travels extensively providing classroom presentations to medical students in twenty-five states. He educates graduating individuals as well as individuals with established careers in the medical profession. He provides guidance to existing and new clients as they transition employers and during significant life events. Robert is an advocate on behalf of his clients and has helped them through not only the selection of the policy, but ongoing decisions related to future insurability riders and, of course, the disability claims process.

Due to his dedication to the disability income insurance niche, MassMutual has named Robert as a Master Disability Income Specialist, which means that he has preferred access to the MassMutual team of disability income underwriters. He is among a distinguished group of professionals which have attained this status.

“For 29 years, I have assisted more than 1,500 medical professionals select their disability income insurance policy. I have evaluated many companies' policies.

I truly believe that MassMutual offers the best value in disability income policies for medical professionals.

Based on my experience and specialization, this value includes the following:

  • Company strength and ratings,

  • Pricing including student and association discounts, and

  • Ability to pay claims in a timely manner.”

Phone 504-394-6557
Mobile Phone 504-920-9817